

Here is my 2nd edit (messing around on imovie) and 1st upload to vimeo.  Hope you enjoy this clip...gotta admit, this lil 3 year old is a big bunch of craziness! haha gotta love her!

Vaeh: That's not my name from Liza B. Respicio on Vimeo.



Hope you all had a blessed CHRISTmas with lots of love, family, food and good laughs! For us it was all of the above and then some and our first as a married couple :D...2010 has definitely been awesome and blessed!

Here are some of the festivities of the day...We continued with our tradition of opening gifts in the morning, though we were up all night with our not so feeling good doggy Paleko, Christmas was still a blessing and by morning and lots of prayer, he was feeling better! The girls were so excited to see whats been sitting in our living room under all that wrapping paper, gift bags and boxes, it was such a joy to see their eyes wide open in awe and teeth grinning from ear to ear, we then spent quality time with all our family and we ended the night with our traditional white elephant gift exchange that included most of the cousins and a new game of LCR, of course being the gamble-holics that we they are lol... they turned the game into a money making, laugh your heart out, anxiety heart pulsating event...Nothing but good times indeed! Every year just keeps getting better and better.

Just a lil story about our white elephant "gift exchange" it was started by our parents back in the day (early 90s) and we continued to keep the tradition alive every year since. We had a variety of interesting gifts, from what I remember we had cash, edible undies?!?, GC's to (bev-mo, itunes, target), a fishing pole LOL, board games, crown royal reserved, wine, a box of apples (with a gc), scratchers, ninja turtle snuggie, shake weights, fushigi ball, $123 in cash money (our minimum was $30), movie tickets, knotts berry farm tickets that can be used on or before 12.30.2010 (wth) LOL, a calendar, piggy bank and the gift that keeps on giving a priceless picture with an autographed signature (xoxo) from one of the cousins! LOL!!!  It was so much fun, imagine about 28 ppl (i think) and 2 hours later...it was nothing but a almost pee in your pants kind of moment every time someone opened a gift and a lot of ooooo's and ahhhhh's especially everyone trying to get the not so presentable red bag with all the money! LOL

Good times and thank you all for making this Christmas a special one. :D See you all for New years!!!

Vaeh + Mama + Lani

our Family pic on Christmas morning...literally just woke up :D

Thank you Auntie!

Cute the FAT feet like mommy...LOL!

LCR got nothin' on Hold em!

Can you tell which one is the fishing pole?

what shoulda been our stairs pic...lol

The Priceless gift



Happy Birthday Dad! I love you with all my heart, all that I am and all that I'll ever be! Thank you for all your sacrifice, your broken english (haha), your weird ways, your TFC drama, your giving gestures, your hard work and dedication to your family and friends...You deserve all the best that life has to offer, you are definitely one of a kind and best Dad and Papa ever!

Disneyland in 1980 --check out that walk-man! LOL 

Loving that Hair-do! haha

Wedding Day --Father Daughter dance Photo by: Sarahkchen.net



Celebrated at Katsuya for a dear friend's birthday. To sum it up in three words it was flirty, fierce, and fancy! Got nothin' but LOVE for yah baby!!!



Happy Birthday to my favorite Brother Joel and to our good friend Omega! Love you guys! BOOM!



seen this from a friend on my facebook page... pretty dope if you ask me!



Congrats to the winners of my first official give away! The first 3 will receive the 3 pack EOS lip balm (limited edition).  Please DM your mailing address so I can send it to you promptly! Thank you guys! GOD BLESS...And stay tuned for the next giveaway for January...TOMS! --WHAT?! :D



One of the most inspiring e-mails to date.

My cousin Ginny and her long time best friend Aileen had come together to join forces and help raise money, gather basic necessities and provide a better living for those less fortunate.  My heart is over joyed to give to these young children, we will need all the help we can get and hope we can reach the goal of delivering the needs to the 150 children.  Please contact Ginny or myself by leaving a comment with your email/contact info, or DM me for details! May god bless you all! Let's continue to keep these children in prayer...

-Liza b. R
Dear family and friends,  
This Christmas, we are expecting to feed 150 less fortunate children in the Philippines! 
For $3.00 per child, they will be able to enjoy a warm, healthy meal and also participate in games and activities that will make lasting Christmas memories. 
These children barely get a bowl of rice a day and on some days, they just go hungry. Our hope this season, is that no one will go hungry and that they will feel the true meaning of Christmas through our love and generosity. 
Would you please join me in reaching our goal to provide food and hope for these children? 
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. 
Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? 
The king will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." 
Matthew 25:35-40
We are also in need of hygiene items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, lotions, shampoo, soap, combs/brushes,hair accessories and as always... Lots of Prayer!!!
          God bless you,
          Ginny Douesnard
          Heart For Home



yay me! my first attempt at blogging! Woo-hoo...so let's make this fun... I'm here to randomly give away things that me and my family really love and believe in! Purpose: to spread the love of giving! Sounds like a plan? I recently did a give away on Facebook and sent out my very first product we love, the EOS Fruit Lip Balm! Congrats to my lovely ladies Marissa, Decely, Nina and Omega (happy birthday) :D

Now for more fun...here's to my next project... Subscribe to this blog and leave a comment and enter a chance to win the EOS 3-pack limited edition flavor Pomegranate Rasberry, Sweet Mint, Honeysuckle Honeydew. 3 Lucky winners will be selected by Random.org! Giveaway ends on December 12, 2010! 
valued at $9.99

This will make an awesome stocking stuffer or if your like me and have super dry lips (lol) you can use it for yourself! Good luck!!! And please if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Much <3
Liza b. R