

Hope you all had a blessed CHRISTmas with lots of love, family, food and good laughs! For us it was all of the above and then some and our first as a married couple :D...2010 has definitely been awesome and blessed!

Here are some of the festivities of the day...We continued with our tradition of opening gifts in the morning, though we were up all night with our not so feeling good doggy Paleko, Christmas was still a blessing and by morning and lots of prayer, he was feeling better! The girls were so excited to see whats been sitting in our living room under all that wrapping paper, gift bags and boxes, it was such a joy to see their eyes wide open in awe and teeth grinning from ear to ear, we then spent quality time with all our family and we ended the night with our traditional white elephant gift exchange that included most of the cousins and a new game of LCR, of course being the gamble-holics that we they are lol... they turned the game into a money making, laugh your heart out, anxiety heart pulsating event...Nothing but good times indeed! Every year just keeps getting better and better.

Just a lil story about our white elephant "gift exchange" it was started by our parents back in the day (early 90s) and we continued to keep the tradition alive every year since. We had a variety of interesting gifts, from what I remember we had cash, edible undies?!?, GC's to (bev-mo, itunes, target), a fishing pole LOL, board games, crown royal reserved, wine, a box of apples (with a gc), scratchers, ninja turtle snuggie, shake weights, fushigi ball, $123 in cash money (our minimum was $30), movie tickets, knotts berry farm tickets that can be used on or before 12.30.2010 (wth) LOL, a calendar, piggy bank and the gift that keeps on giving a priceless picture with an autographed signature (xoxo) from one of the cousins! LOL!!!  It was so much fun, imagine about 28 ppl (i think) and 2 hours later...it was nothing but a almost pee in your pants kind of moment every time someone opened a gift and a lot of ooooo's and ahhhhh's especially everyone trying to get the not so presentable red bag with all the money! LOL

Good times and thank you all for making this Christmas a special one. :D See you all for New years!!!

Vaeh + Mama + Lani

our Family pic on Christmas morning...literally just woke up :D

Thank you Auntie!

Cute the FAT feet like mommy...LOL!

LCR got nothin' on Hold em!

Can you tell which one is the fishing pole?

what shoulda been our stairs pic...lol

The Priceless gift

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