

Sorry for not updating this blog in a while. Mid terms are officially over and a whole lot has been going on these past few weeks. And I promise. I will be doing my Target Store Gift card giveaway soon. :)
Here are my thoughts out loud that I wanted to share...
Through the days of grieving the lost of our love ones (uncle sheldon & inang), god allowed us to have comfort and peace during the somber days of mourning. This profound peace Chad and I never experienced before. He taught us to be still, to have grace, and that grieving at any time is normal. Though it has been a whirlwind of emotions, we look back at some of the memories we will always cherish and hold dear to our hearts... Thanking GOD for his every blessing and for the perfect peace that passes all understanding...

RIP Celebrating Inang's 84th Birthday

My DIVA aunties :)

Me and My favorite


her love for pinecones and pink nail polish!

my nanigirl... so photogenic!

and she shoots too! :)

I'm linking up here...THE ANDERSON CREW! Check out their awesome family, a family of God and inspiration!


  1. I love the 84th birthday picture!

  2. Beautiful post. Love the picture of the pinecone and nail polish :). And your aunties...they're gorgeous :). My mom has 4 sisters, too, and we have plenty of pictures of our 5 beauties as well :).

  3. love the post and i'm with anne....love that picture of the pinecone and nail polish!

  4. thank you ladies...sorry for the late reply...have a great week! xxxooo
